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Monday, 14 October 2013


Semiotics can be applied to anything and in media it is applied a lot as it can be seen as signifying something. In other words, it can be applied to everything which has meaning within a skill or perception.
Even within the mass media you can execute semiotic analysis to any media, for example: Television and radio programmes, films, cartoons, newspaper and magazine articles, posters and other ads that you analyse using semiotics and also the practices that involve  producing and interpreting such texts.
The most common semiotic signs are:
How they or something is communicating to the reader?
What does it symbolize?
What does it indicate?
How they make us feel?
Who are they designed for?
Why are they designed?
Looking up semiotic has proved to me that it is going to be a valid term to keep in minds when creating my Music Mag as it is all going to link up to create a relation between signs and the reader because they have the decision on deciding what each sign means.

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