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Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Choosing my title font

For my Music Magazine I am going to choose my title font off I have narrowed the selection down to 5 and I am going to show you my decisions:
The first font is called Pulse Sans Virgin:

The reason why this is one of my option is because it links in with the whole Amplitude and Distortion however I know if it will give me the professional look I am looking for.
My second font is called Action of the Time New:
I chose this font once again because of its affect that it adds to Amplitude and Distortion however I think this font will suit my magazine more.
My third font is called Rythm N Blacks:
This font was the first font I saw however I don't think It will suit my genre or target audience as it gives off to me a comic value.
My fourth font called Rough Linen:
This font I thought also added to the Amplitude and Distortion value but once again I don't think I will work in my Music Magazine.
My last and fifth font is called Scorched Earth:
This last font I think will go really well with my Music Magazine but on the other hand I also think my second font Action of the Time New is a good font to use in my magazine but ultimately I think this font Scorched Earth will be the best font for me to use because it has everything I was looking for, for the title.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really impressed with your blog so far Callum. You are showing clear initiative and thorough research. The whole format of your blog is well constructed and visually interesting. Well done.
