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Thursday, 2 January 2014

Double Page Spread Write-Up

We were inside the costa coffee shop in Maghull were we caught Kyle Lewis one of The Shades’ leading men. Ordering a caramel macchiato, he was styled to the max, wearing his dilapidated brown boots, blue skinny jeans and his famous shirt that he wore at Glastonbury.  Since the last time we interviewed this rock star, it is clear that he has undergone a clear transformation beyond his distinctive cheek bones and good looks plus an attitude that just doesn’t give a shit. However this time Lewis seems to be more interested in conversation as last time he was the most awkward interviewee I have ever come across talking in broken words and sentences and the most awkward silences when he was trying to think of what to say. We started asking the man of many talents about the new album L31. ‘What will we find on this album then Mr Lewis?’ he says “[laughs] I hate the way people see me different calling me ‘Mr’ or ‘Sir’ I’m just a normal person like everybody else but anyway the album has a mixture of everything we could possibly think of, We wanted to make an album that would be close to us all hence why we named it L31, the album itself though we recorded in Vancouver in Canada with 14th Floor. If you’ve never met the guys and team behind them you should be grateful because they always do a great job and are always supportive in everything that we do.” ‘I didn’t realise how much that touches you and I’m sorry for that!’ he buts in and says “it’s cool, it’s cool” ‘Moving on anyway, it sounds like you and the band are close to the record label 14th floor’ “Yeah we’ve been through a lot with them” ‘yeah I thought so, it’s good that you’re like that because it makes my job easier ha-ha’ “yeah good one” ‘I’m going to ask you about a song on your new album L31 in which I believe you wrote called Driftaway...what was the reason for you writing that song?’

“Driftaway” is one of the songs were I mentioned that they are close to us all however this song is wholly about myself. When you start writing songs it becomes addictive once you have written your first and this song was one of them. I wrote it in July 2009 and the reason for it was that I found myself drifting away from someone who was and still is really important in my life! At first I never really thought I’d have the heart and head to sing it in front of our fans because it is really close to me. The main reason I wrote it is because my mum died and it was the only way I could stay happy as I went through a horrible year, the song though is a quieter one than what we usually write which is what also makes it so important to me, I think that’s enough of that one anyway as I don’t feel so comfortable talking about it” ‘That’s alright don’t worry I can see how much it means to you so it’s cool, how about we move onto another song that is on your new album called Looking at strangers which I believe again you also wrote?’ he replied “Yeah I mean the song says it really but this song is just a bit of banter really and it strangely works well! The song is about Shaun as he is the biggest creep going [laughs] to put It bluntly the lyrics all basically describe him as a person. He is constantly looking at people making judgements and opinions basically being prejudice if I can say that but yeah then he turns proper creepy about it all, this is mainly about girls by the way thinking that he’s got a chance when really all he has to do is look at a girl and she’s emigrated ha-ha but yeah that is the main reason I wrote that song just to show Shaun how creepy and weird he is.” ‘Ha-ha that was a very good explanation thank you for that. Next I am going to talk about is the song you have named Field Song, why is it called that and what is it about?’

“This song is written by the lyrical genius with the name Shaun Hough [laughs] the song itself doesn’t say field in it at all but we gave it the name when we first heard it as Shaun performed it in me nans gaffer, the opening lyrics he sang ALL ALONE IN A FIELD and we all burst out laughing it was hysterical and then he went onto the next  which said NO ONE HERE BUT ME, by this time me Cal and Spock were on the floor crying like no tomorrow and the best thing about it Shaun didn’t even realise what was funny it was great ha-ha however he recovered it by re writing it but I still don’t think it’s our best song we’ve got but that is why we named it the Field Song!” ‘It sounds good on the album’ “I’m telling you he shouldn’t have changed the lyrics ha-ha” ‘That’s very funny I wonder what was crossing his mind whilst he wrote it’ “If you want a small idea I would say something along the lines of him being lost ha-ha in love as he kind of is that depression type when it comes to him writing what you call ‘Wonderful Lyrics’ which are really fundamentally shit ha-ha” ‘That’s a bit harsh don’t you think..’ “Naa he’ll be alright cry me a river I always tell him” ‘He seems like the victim, anyway another song that is listed first is called What Are You Gonna Do, what can you tell me about this one?’ “Nothing much really apart from it was written by lyric genius Shaun ha-ha no to be honest I think this could be our most successful song yet, I don’t really know much about this song but before I knew of its existence I always remember Shaun telling people What Are You Gonna Do which I think could be the main reason why he wrote it but also he doesn’t like many people which again can bring the phrase in but I think is one of my favourites to play apart from my own of course. As I said before it’s a massive achievement when writing a full 4 minute song and it really gives you that boost to continue writing more and more.” ‘Oh wow thank you for that one Kyle I have two more that I am going to ask you before your drink goes cold the first is Leave It Up To Chance, is there anything that you can tell me once again before we meet again?’ “I like the way you phrased that one ha-ha, this song I know quite a bit about it because I was there when Shaun wrote it. Shaun is a layed back character and didn’t really care too much about his school work, he would Leave It Up To Chance but also he wasn’t really bothered about anything else which also he would Leave It Up To Chance. But amongst all that is my little solo about 2 and a half minutes in which I always really look forward to playing because I made it up at one of our first little gigs at a bar just off Bold Street in Liverpool city called The Zanzibar a place where many other famous artists like Miles Kane have played who of a matter of fact I am going to meet later

. But yeah I was told to improvise every gig and then I found it and it has stuck with me since ha-ha the irony the way I can say that it was the reason why I now Leave It Up To Chance. That’s basically all I can tell you sorry” ‘No don’t worry, we better get the last one done quickly anyway before we waste your time. The last song I want to ask about is Mean To Me, why is this song so different to your usual say tunes?’ “Well this song is very close to Shaun once again he wrote it in Year 11 and we recorded it in first year of Sixth Form but we haven’t included it until now, the song was originally written for Shaun to sing solely but he thought it could sound a bit better within the band. I can’t tell you who it’s about but I can tell you why he wrote it and that’s because he liked a girl for about 3 years and he never got anything from it and it got to the stage were the only way he could get it out of his mind, he basically describes how he feels about this girl and he puts it in a very nice way and sings it very sweetly if you haven’t heard it but now all the memories of this girl he has he sings every gig aw he’s cute isn’t he!” ‘Thank you for that Kyle it means a lot for talking to us and especially your fans I’m sure they will enjoy this issue’ “Thanks yeah anytime, see you soon” he drank the rest of his drink and walked out.

The Shades always show love to each other on stage but however when gave them an interview we got an insight to a bit more about the band.  We asked what is it like with all the members and he responded with ‘To put it simply Spock and Cal are my favourites and the reason for that is the other dick head Shaun  acts like a dictator, don’t get me wrong we have a good laugh and that but there has been a few times were we and by we I mean me Spock and Cal have threatened to leave because we have no say whatsoever, he has this ego where he thinks he’s the best and it frustrates us because we know he isn’t. He can be alright sometimes but most of time I feel like saying shut the fuck up you fruit and as much as I’d want to say that I wouldn’t be able to because he argues till the fucking sun comes up!!! Another negative is that he is always changing his opinions on things when I say I like something, I’m sure he’s gay for me! Like I really do mean that [laughs].

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